Module WProp

module WProp: sig .. end
Prop queries

Page retrieving

val of_titles : session -> string list -> (string * page) Enum.t
of_titles s titles associates to every title in titles the corresponding page. If the title is invalid or missing, it is absent from the answer.
val of_pageids : session ->
page_t Id.t list ->
(page_t Id.t * page) Enum.t
of_pageids s pageids associates to every page id in pageids the corresponding page. If the id is invalid or missing, it is absent from the answer.
val normalize : session -> string list -> (string * Title.t) Enum.t
normalize s titles returns the canonical title associated to a given string, regardless of the existence of the page. If a title is invalid, it is absent from the answer.

Revision retrieving

val revisions : session ->
?fromid:revision_t Id.t ->
?uptoid:revision_t Id.t ->
?fromts:Timestamp.t ->
?uptots:Timestamp.t ->
?order:order ->
?usrfilter:user_filter ->
?limit:int -> page -> revision Enum.t
Returns the list of revisions of a given page. Empty result if the page is invalid.
val of_revids : session ->
revision_t Id.t list ->
(revision_t Id.t * revision) Enum.t
of_revids s revids associates to every revision id in revids the corresponding revision. If the id is invalid or missing, it is absent from the answer.


val content : session ->
revision list -> (revision_t Id.t * string) Enum.t
Associates to every revision its content by id. If a revision is invalid, it is not present in the answer.
val last_revision_of_titles : session ->
string list -> (string * (revision * string)) Enum.t
Associates to every title its last revision and last content. If a title is invalid or missing, it is absent from the answer.


val diff : session ->
revision_t Id.t ->
revision_t relative_id -> diff Call.t

Various enumerations

These are various enumerations generated by prop queries.

val links : session ->
?ns:namespace list ->
?limit:int -> page -> Title.t Enum.t
Returns the list of link titles from a given page.
val langlinks : session ->
?limit:int -> page -> langlink Enum.t
Return the list of interwiki links from a given page.
val images : session -> ?limit:int -> page -> Title.t Enum.t
Returns the list of image titles used on a given page.
val templates : session ->
?ns:namespace list ->
?limit:int -> page -> Title.t Enum.t
Returns the list of template titles used on a given page.
val categories : session -> ?limit:int -> page -> Title.t Enum.t
Returns the list of categories to which pertains a given page.
val external_links : session -> ?limit:int -> page -> string Enum.t
Returns the list of external links contained in a given page.


val dummy_title : Title.t
val dummy_page : page_t Id.t -> page
val dummy_revision : revision_t Id.t -> revision