Module WList

module WList: sig .. end
List queries

These queries return various (usually huge) lists, presented as enumerations.

val allimages : session ->
?from:string ->
?upto:string ->
?prefix:string ->
?minsize:int ->
?maxsize:int ->
?order:order -> ?limit:int -> unit -> Title.t Enum.t
Enumerate all images.
from : The page from which to start the enumeration. Default: none
upto : The page up to which do the enumeration. Default: none
prefix : Only enumerate pages that starts with this prefix. Default: empty
minsize : Minimum size in bytes of page to be enumerated. Default: none
maxsize : Maximum size in bytes of page to be enumerated. Default: none
order : Order of the enumeration. Default: `INCR
limit : Maximum number of pages to enumerate. Default: max_int
val allpages : session ->
?ns:namespace ->
?from:string ->
?upto:string ->
?prefix:string ->
?rdrfilter:redirect_filter ->
?minsize:int ->
?maxsize:int ->
?order:order -> ?limit:int -> unit -> Title.t Enum.t
Enumerate all pages.
ns : The namespace to enumerate. Default: 0
from : The page from which to start the enumeration. Default: none
upto : The page up to which do the enumeration. Default: none
prefix : Only enumerate pages that starts with this prefix. Default: empty
rdrfilter : Enumerate redirects. Default: `ALL
minsize : Minimum size in bytes of page to be enumerated. Default: none
maxsize : Maximum size in bytes of page to be enumerated. Default: none
order : Order of the enumeration. Default: `INCR
limit : Maximum number of pages to enumerate. Default: max_int
val allcategories : session ->
?from:string ->
?upto:string ->
?prefix:string ->
?order:order ->
?limit:int -> unit -> category_info Enum.t
Enumerate all pages.
from : The category from which to start the enumeration. Default: none
upto : The category up to which do the enumeration. Default: none
prefix : Only enumerate category that starts with this prefix. Default: empty
order : Order of the enumeration. Default: `INCR
limit : Maximum number of pages to enumerate. Default: max_int
val backlinks : session ->
?ns:namespace list ->
?rdrfilter:redirect_filter ->
?rdr:bool -> ?limit:int -> Title.t -> Title.t Enum.t
Enumerate all pages linking to the given page.
ns : Namespaces to enumerate. Default: all
rdrfilter : Enumerate redirects. Default: `ALL
rdr : Recursively enumerate pages which are redirects. Default: false
limit : Maximum number of pages to enumerate. Default: max_int
val embeddedin : session ->
?ns:namespace list ->
?rdrfilter:redirect_filter ->
?limit:int -> Title.t -> Title.t Enum.t
Enumerate all pages embedded in the given page.
ns : Namespaces to enumerate. Default: all
rdrfilter : Enumerate redirects. Default: `ALL
limit : Maximum number of pages to enumerate. Default: max_int
val exturlusage : session ->
?ns:namespace list ->
?limit:int -> string -> (Title.t * string) Enum.t
Enumerate all pages using a given URL pattern.
ns : Namespaces to enumerate. Default: all
limit : Maximum number of pages to enumerate. Default: max_int
val imageusage : session ->
?ns:namespace list ->
?rdrfilter:redirect_filter ->
?rdr:bool -> ?limit:int -> Title.t -> Title.t Enum.t
Enumerate all pages that use the given page.
ns : Namespaces to enumerate. Default: all
rdrfilter : Enumerate redirects. Default: `ALL
rdr : Recursively enumerate pages which are redirects. Default: false
limit : Maximum number of pages to enumerate. Default: max_int
val recentchanges : session ->
?fromts:Timestamp.t ->
?uptots:Timestamp.t ->
?ns:namespace list ->
?order:order ->
?usrfilter:user_filter ->
?limit:int -> unit -> rc_info Enum.t
List all recent changes.
fromts : Timestamp to enumerate from. Default: none
uptots : Timestamp to enumerate up to. Default: none
ns : Namespaces to enumerate. Default: all
order : Order of the enumeration. Default: `DECR
usrfilter : Display or exclude a particular user. Default: `ALL
limit : Maximum number of pages to enumerate. Default: max_int
val search : session ->
?ns:namespace list ->
?what:search_type ->
?rdr:bool -> ?limit:int -> string -> Title.t Enum.t
Search for a given string on a Mediawiki site.
ns : Namespaces to enumerate. Default: all
what : Search inside the text or titles. Default: `TEXT
rdr : Include redirects. Default: false
limit : Maximum number of pages to enumerate. Default: max_int